
Men in castles; authenticity as means of contact in criminal therapy

ARTICLEGunst, Ellen - 44–2 (2006)


In the literature on help for criminal offenders there is a large emphasis on cognitive and educational approaches. We cannot doubt the usefulness of a relapse prevention model, because it has been proven that such an approach can bring about a change in behavior. However, for a long term effect we need a more sturdy foundation. The underlying personality problems in sex offenders demand an experience based approach.
The therapist can enable a true dialogue with the client by being authentic, which is an a-priori condition for the therapeutic process. The therapist constitutes an example of congruence and transparency, two aspects that are underdeveloped in the client. This therapeutic attitude, embedded in a client-centered approach, can offer an opening when contact with the client and his experiential world seems to be fully blocked. Also, in order to maintain his ability for empathy and a positive attitude while working with sex offenders, it is necessary for the psychotherapist to concentrate on himself as therapist. In this way the reflexive function can slowly be put in motion, enabling the client to find a different relation to himself and the others.
Finally, to concentrate on oneself as therapist is important in the light of self care, an issue that should not be overlooked in this line of work. To be authentic is therefore of high importance for both client and therapist alike.


elapse prevention, authenticity, contact

The tPeP (Journal Person-centered experiential Psychotherapy) is the scientific journal for Dutch and Flemish psychotherapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, that work from, or are interested in a client-centered perspective.