
The ‘psychodramatical action sociogram’ with children in developmental-oriented psychotherapy

ARTICLEVerhofstadt-Denève, Leni, Dillen, Let, Helskens, Denis, & Siongers, Mariska - 47–3 (2009)


This article describes how the psychodramatical action sociogram can be used with children of about six to 12 years old. The method is illustrated through a few psychodrama-episodes in a severely traumatized 11-year old boy. In a first part, the basic tenets of a developmental-oriented theory will be described from the perspective of the Phenomenological-Dialectic Personality model (Phe-Di Pmodel). The second part introduces psychodrama, the psychodramatical action sociogram, and the way in which this can be translated to children. The third part shows that by using an adapted version of this action sociogram, children can, by means of adjustable action figures, build spatial psychodramatical scenes that represent themselves in relation to significant others. This also enables spontaneous exterioriza¬tions of internal (self)construals and (self)dialogues. Departing from this theoretical framework, a psychodramatical action sociogram is constructed along the lines of a dialectic process that stimulates the mentalization process (I-ME reflection) by integrating thinking, feeling, and speaking in a lived situational-affective action.


psychodrama, play therapy, dialectics, psychotherapy for children, developmental psychotherapy, psychodramatical action sociogram

The tPeP (Journal Person-centered experiential Psychotherapy) is the scientific journal for Dutch and Flemish psychotherapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, that work from, or are interested in a client-centered perspective.

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