In outpatient mental health care, we have positive experiences with combining Client-Centered
Therapy (CCT) and Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) in treating personality disturbances.
In developmental dance-therapeutic interventions, the therapist focuses actively on
non-verbal attunement to the client. Goal is to develop a non-verbal inter-subjective relationship
in which both therapist and client are present in a constitutive and regulatory way.
This article presents an overview of the theoretical concepts of inter-subjectivity, specifically
kinesthetic inter-subjectivity, that underlie this intervention. This frame of reference will be
honed to non-verbal psychotherapeutic interventions. In conclusion, a connection will be
established between the kinesthetic position and a client-centered perspective.
non-verbal psychotherapy, kinesthetic inter-subjectivity, client-centered psychotherapy, dance/movement therapy, personality disturbances
The tPeP (Journal Person-centered experiential Psychotherapy) is the scientific journal for Dutch and Flemish psychotherapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, that work from, or are interested in a client-centered perspective.