
Emotiegerichte psychotherapie: een introductie

ARTICLETakens, Roelf Jan - 51–1 (2013)


As the author of this article indicates, Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) is booming. That is
especially true for the systematic type of this most recent form of client-centered psychotherapy.
This article emphasizes the individual form of EFT as introduced by Greenberg
and others. EFT is centered on reworking inadequate emotional experiences. For this to
happen, emotions first have to be experienced at a fully conscious level. EFT uses methods
like evocative unfolding, focusing, and 2-chair dialogues to establish this. Next, emotions
can be probed for functionality. Very often that comes down to bringing forward the primary
emotions behind the secondary ones. The client subsequently investigates to what extent
these primary emotions form a better fit to the self image and the world around. When
necessary, (meanings of) alternative emotions are sought; changing emotions by emotions.
But oftentimes, a better regulation of emotions may suffice. This article discusses some
basic EFT principles, and looks at various process oriented tasks that might come up in the
therapeutic encounter.


Emotion Focused Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, primary and secondary emotions, emotion regulation, relation and task oriented principles, process tasks, evocation, 2-chair dialogue

The tPeP (Journal Person-centered experiential Psychotherapy) is the scientific journal for Dutch and Flemish psychotherapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, that work from, or are interested in a client-centered perspective.

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