In this article an attempt is made to draw some linking lines between the two therapeutic frameworks of systemic psychotherapy on the one hand and client-centered and experiential psychotherapy on the other hand.
The systemic therapy model used in this article is build upon human communication theory, in which the Axiom of Influence (`It is impossible to have no influence') is considered as basal. From this point of view the client-centered/experiential psychotherapy is critically analyzed. Successively we study the social aspect, the notions Inside, Outside and Other side, and the importance of the context.
The integrative movement of the two models results in lots of possibilities and tasks for the therapist as well as the client: moving back and forth between experiencing and behavior; the alternate input of intrapersonal, interpersonal, relational and social visions; the difference between intentions and effects; the reciprocal influence; the difference between therapeutic and non-therapeutic environment. This leads to a very dynamic human vision and ditto way of practicing therapy.
The tPeP (Journal Person-centered experiential Psychotherapy) is the scientific journal for Dutch and Flemish psychotherapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, that work from, or are interested in a client-centered perspective.